French Crime Thrillers (no sub-titles)

French Crime Thrillers (no sub-titles)

French Crime Thrillers (no sub-titles)

French Crime Thrillers (no sub-titles)
French Crime Thrillers (no sub-titles)
French Crime Thrillers (no sub-titles)

I love a crime thriller, a murder mystery, a whodunit, sub-plot or red herring, a good/bad cop, a murderer, victim, a silent witness, a motive, a stalker, the shaven head alcoholic cop. I love the anticipation, the suspense, excitement, anxiety and surprise. I hate not guessing who the killer was or working out the WHY. I love to turn the page and get into the mind of the suspect, is he the killer? So working on a series of gripping crime novels about psychologist Frieda Klein, part time detective and police consultant written by husband and wife duo Nicci Gerrard and Sean French was an absolute pleasure and gripping read. Oh Mon Dieu!
