How BIG can you go?

How BIG can you go?

How BIG can you go?

How BIG can you go?
How BIG can you go?
How BIG can you go?
How BIG can you go?
How BIG can you go?

How big can you go?

How big do you want it?

As big as a wall?

Depends how big the wall is?

The entrance wall of a museum foyer,


That was how the conversation started with Ann Henderson at St Barbe’s Museum and Art Gallery in the quaint seaside town of Lymington in the New Forest, Hampshire. The large scale maps welcomes visitors as they enter the museum, locating the non-graphical savvy in the Hampshire countryside and while illustrations shows them some of the many local attractions. Some visitors may ponder the map over a cream tea in the cafe while royalty will happy turn their back to this fantastic map illustration.
